Sunday, July 5, 2009

I am my mother's daughter...

I am my mother's daugher, for better or worse! This rainy Sunday afternoon I find myself rearranging (pretty normal for me) but in the midst of doing so, I find bags, boxes, etc, everywhere of gifts that I have bought, just cute stuff that reminds me of my friends that would make great gifts. Now, my mom has always taught me to keep a gift or two on hand, just in case you forget/run out of time about a birthday or special event and you don't have time to go to the store. Well, in her case it's always been more than one or two, it's been Big boxes full, which is fine, she has a BIG house!
That's my problem, I am my mother's daughter, I take after her in many ways, buying and putting away gifts, being one way, the problem is now...I don't have the house she does, the storage she here I am sitting looking at this storage container full of cute gifts that I have no room for!
I think I'm going to keep it out in sight so I can remember that I do have gifts, I don't need to go to the store to get something else, I have something at home....and I can give gifts for no apparent reason, I just love to give gifts!

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Dedicated to Nick's New Job

Time with Family in PA

Memorial Weekend
